Saturday, January 7, 2017

There's something about the still of a cold, winter  night. The heart takes notice of God's creation with  a sense of awe and reverence. Something about our earthly January calendar- when winter's grab can still us, grip us, embrace us. We find it easy to strike up idle conversations, help a stranded  stranger, pause and take notice of what is frigid and beautiful.  When our surroundings are covered in a wool blanket- we too tend to cuddle and settle into the warmth and wonder of the moment; we are forced to slow down, we can be tempted  to complain, but yet there is a kindness that is awakened in our spirit. There is a concern for the homeless, a tenderness for the unknown heart waiting by the side swiped car; there is a gentle hope that we all arrive to that place of safety, to that loved one who is waiting, the warm welcome at the close of day. That first winter storm can change our course, force  a different pace, cause one to  appreciate what is often overlooked, reach out, remember and reflect on those we hold dear,  smile at a child's wobbly snowman-- We must  surrender to what we can not control--nature has stood tall, and we must respect her presence- His power.