Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I have found Christmas season 2015, to be special.  I am grateful for God's wonderful Gift!
I am grateful for The Father's closeness, tenderness, provision, & His continued guidance
& comfort. I am blessed by sweet relationships, by the opportunity to reach out to those in
need of God's Love, I am blessed that God keeps revealing His Gentle Love & constant  presence. I do not know what the New Year will entail, but I am trusting The One who does. I await new opportunities to serve, support, share, & soar in Jesus who gives me strength!

Friday, December 4, 2015

A Dear Sister-Friend shared some excerpts from her time of meditation.  I found it to be spot on-tenderly profound.  It was a share by Skip Moen's, Today's Word (TW).  The scripture reference
was Psalm 42:1-3. Mr. Moen talked about the bread, the diet, the food...Tears. The last few sentences of his piece was very real, Mr. Moen expressed:  "Life at the edge.That's where tears are our bread. That's where we almost give up-and where we almost touch The Divine. When all that is left of our faith is tears, then you are ready to seek the edge of living and find The God of empty places."  Again, 'spot on-tenderly profound'.  Maybe you're not there, perhaps never been there, if at all possible- never want to go there---but the place is real. I want The God of empty places to invade my space.
The tears cleanse, The Father covers, comforts, & calms.