A Good Watering
It is raining where I am- pouring, windy rain. I find it quite soothing, but not if driving, not if you
don't have shelter, & probably not if you don't have rain attire. But, as you come in from the rain & find safe covering from the showers- there is something peaceful-calming about your shelter. You slow down, you bring your thoughts inside to a comfortable, relaxing space. You find an inside interest, an overlooked project or task. You find a good book-maybe you spend a few extra minutes in The Good Book, you check on a friend, you gather your thoughts; there are many choices. It's the coming in from the rain-the pouring, windy rain- coming in from the outside; and you are thankful for the shelter- doesn't have to be extravagant, but you are thankful for the covering.
I've come to know a Covering, a Shelter like no other. I can always come in from the rain.
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